I ran across this piece by Nathaniel Hawthorne and just melted into it, hope you like it as well.
“Not a breeze can stir but it thrills us with the breath of autumn. A pensive glory is seen in the far, golden beams, among the shadows of the trees. The flowers – even the brightest of them, and they are the most gorgeous of the year…… It is good to be alive at such times. Thank Heaven for breath; yes, for mere breath, when it is made up of a heavenly breeze like this!
It comes with a real kiss upon our cheeks; it would linger fondly around us if it might; but, since it must be gone, it embraces us with its whole kindly heart, and passes onward to embrace likewise the next thing that it meets. A blessing is flung abroad and scattered far and wide over the earth, to be gathered up by all who choose. I recline upon the still unwithered grass and whisper to myself, “O perfect day! O beautiful world! O beneficent God!” And it is the promise of a blessed eternity; for our Creator would never have made such lovely days, and have given us the deep hearts to enjoy them, above and beyond all thought, unless we were meant to be immortal".
Photo by Yuri Bonder
You were right, Fred. I did melt into these beautiful words, especially the very last part,
"And it is the promise of a blessed eternity; for our Creator would never have made such lovely days, and have given us the deep hearts to enjoy them, above and beyond all thought, unless we were meant to be immortal."
How awesome!
Its been a very long winter so far, hasn't it? It reminds me of the Little House book by the same title. Linnea was looking out at the snow this morning and saying she can't even remember what spring feels like anymore. I should have her read this. :)
That's rich, I'm really tired of the cold...this post reminds me of your backyard for sure.
Hi Mel,
I love the end of that as well, in fact it sparked a topic I'm going to talk about today at the nursing home, in brief, a description of heaven taking the elements of Hawthorne's piece and all the wonderful and exhilarating emotions and feelings God has graced us with, where friends never leave and enemies never arrive. Oh it's a masterpiece!
just kidding, but hope it will lift the heart.
God bless,
Hi Eric,
Yes! I'm tired of the cold, but yesterday warmed up to 47* and the sun came out so I did a little work in my garden and it did lift me, as well as bequeath me with soreness today. Good sore though...
Love Dad
Hi Fred :)
Very beautiful quote!
I always dreaded cold since I am used to warm climate with plenty of sunshine and plenty of rain. A few times I lived in colder places I had a very difficult time to cope with the climate. But regions with colder climate produce some excellent fruits and flowers which you cannot see in warm places. Besides, people are very tough too!
Best wishes :)
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