The Divinity of Poetry
Percy Bysshe Shelly
“Poetry is the record of the best and happiest moments of the happiest and best minds. We are aware of evanescent visitations of thought and feeling, sometimes associated with place or person, sometimes regarding our own mind alone, and always arising unforeseen and departing unbidden, but elevating and delightful beyond all expression; so that, even in the desire and the regret they leave, there cannot but be pleasure, participating as it does in the nature of its object. It is, as it were, the interpenetration of a diviner nature through our own; but its footsteps are like those of a wind over the sea, which the morning calm erases, and whose traces remain only, as on the wrinkled sand which paves it…….”
I love this topic, which I interpret as inspiration, and I always love it when someone is able to put words to this “evanescent visitation”. I think it may take a poet to describe these moments when we are inspired, be it in a spiritual rapture, a breakthrough in art, or just some experience “delightful beyond all expression”. I think he is right in describing them as a moment when God penetrates our mind.
Percy Bysshe Shelly
“Poetry is the record of the best and happiest moments of the happiest and best minds. We are aware of evanescent visitations of thought and feeling, sometimes associated with place or person, sometimes regarding our own mind alone, and always arising unforeseen and departing unbidden, but elevating and delightful beyond all expression; so that, even in the desire and the regret they leave, there cannot but be pleasure, participating as it does in the nature of its object. It is, as it were, the interpenetration of a diviner nature through our own; but its footsteps are like those of a wind over the sea, which the morning calm erases, and whose traces remain only, as on the wrinkled sand which paves it…….”
I love this topic, which I interpret as inspiration, and I always love it when someone is able to put words to this “evanescent visitation”. I think it may take a poet to describe these moments when we are inspired, be it in a spiritual rapture, a breakthrough in art, or just some experience “delightful beyond all expression”. I think he is right in describing them as a moment when God penetrates our mind.
Photo by Rarindra Prakarsa
God has been speaking to me through poetry more and more of late (as you well know) so this post is precious to me. Although I have to say I find the poetry that expresses the darker emotions to be just as heart-penetrating as the poetry that expresses the lighter ones, and sometimes moreso. From one poetry-lover, to another, who also happens to be a poet himself, have a wonderful, God-blessed, Christ-filled day, my friend! :)
O that note:
Hi Mel,
I have to agree with you; being somewhat melancholy, I relate to the "darker emotions" as well. But I have to keep a balance, my blog sometimes strikes me a bit too sorrowfilled, so I need to post these uplifting thoughts, need to read these uplifting thoughts so as not to appear with a dark cloud over my head :)
God bless,
My son the cynic :) Getting a little to gooey for ya?
Love Dad
Levity and piety, in moderation.
Hi Fred :)
Talking of poetry, one of the best compositions is by John Milton - PARADISE LOST AND PARADISE REGAINED wherein he describes the fall of the first man and subsequent salvation.
I enjoyed reading your post.
Best wishes,Fred :)
Hi Joseph,
I can't tell you how many times I have tried to read Milton's works, but he is so high over my head that I get lost by the first paragraph. I probably need a commentary for him.
Oh well,
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