“I cannot fail, however unwilling, to see much that is dry and stiff and unlovely in the style of Christianity around me. It has no attraction for me. I do not like the people who illustrate it; and the reason is, not that they have got too much Christianity, but that they have not got enough of any thing else. Flour is good, but flour is not bread. If I am to eat flour, I must eat it as a bread; and either milk or water must be used to make it bread. If a little milk is used, the bread will be dry and heavy and hard. If a good deal is used, the flour will be transformed into a soft and plastic mass, which will rise in the heat, and come to my lips a sweet and fragrant morsel. Christianity is good, but it needs mixing with humanity before it will have a practical value. If only a little humanity be mixed with it, the product will be dry and tasteless; but if it be combined with the real milk of humanity, and enough of it, the result will be a loaf fit for the tongues of angels.”
Timothy Titcomb - Picture from the Internet
I'm reading A Generous Orthodoxy right now (and enjoying it tremendously, I might add!) This post reminds me so much of what Brian McLaren said in Secret Message about the Kingdom of God spreading through the world subtly, gently, and quietly. The Kingdom of God is in and part of every single aspect of life. I'm sick to death of the kind of plastic Christianity that keeps "them" out while "we" huddle together in our safe little holy groups. Thank God that He is going a good work in all of the world, and that it includes every single aspect of this beautiful life. :)
God bless you, Fred!
I totally agree!!! AMEN!
I think Christianity has become a religion, instead of a personal relationship between Christ and ourselves. Its become a fad between ones selves instead of a relationship in the world or sincere deep relationship to want to bring people to Him instead so many times Christianity is so fake sometimes with people I can see the turn off it can be to the world. We need to live what we preach, be humble, loving and serve, serve, and serve! Love your post. Not to judge others but it reminds us to get on our knees and ask God to show us to not be that way, but be His servant to love and serve!!
Hi Mel,
I'm thrilled that you are reading Generous Orthodoxy, you mentioned how you laughed as he introduces the book, I did the same and found his sense of humor and humility so refreshing. I completely undersand why this book is so popular. Can't wait to hear more of what you think.
God bless,
Hi Mary,
I so agree with you, in some circles it is bread made solely of flour, yuk.
I would encourage you to read A Generous Orthodoxy as well, I think you would just love it. I know it has been demonized in some circles, but in my estimation, those are the circles referred to above.
I know some of your experiences that were less than fulfilling and I think you will see many of the reasons why in the book.
Anyway, thanks for the comments.
I'm off to Seattle on business till Satuday.
Love Fred
Hi Fred :)
This post clearly illustrates what Christianity is. It is not confined to us alone or our family. It encompasses the involvement of all the people in the world. Charity, service and propagation of Christ's message- all these things should be mixed in the right proportion to enjoy Christianity.
Many of us pray for ourselves and out families, but we don't do charity, we are not involved in the propagation of faith and therefore Christianity becomes dull and insipid.
This post is a real eye opener for me.
Have a nice trip ti Seattle Fred :)
Hi Joseph,
Thanks for your insightful thoughts. I was happy to see under comments on your latest blog that an atheist responded. His comments were interesting and I think your warmth was admirable. I hope he continues to read your blog where he may find his opinions on God will be changed.
To the glory of God,
Absolutely fantastic post! Good job!
Great! Keep up the great posts…..
Good week………
Hi Susan,
Thanks for the encouraging words.
God bless,
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