I have read that Mother Teresa had many times of doubt about God, and Joseph mentioned this the other day. I thought about that and I arrived at some conclusions; if you know much about me you would know that I admire Mother Teresa and consider her one of God’s greatest witnesses of the twentieth century. I think Joseph can attest there is hardly a person in India that does not know her name and more likely the wonderful, love filled work that she did, and the name of Christ is known and revered more by her work among Christ’s downtrodden than by any other work of faith done in India. I would go so far as to say that Christ is glorified more worldwide because of her work and testimony than any other Christian of that century.
It would be easy for one to become proud and puffed up with such celebrity status as she was given. One could easily think highly of oneself with such a reputation. I suspect the Lord gave her a thorn in the flesh that kept her humble all the days she served Him. I also know that working among the desperate and distressed day after day is a difficult task. When we see great suffering it begs the question of why? Am I doing enough? Does it accomplish God’s will? Why is there no end in sight to this suffering? I suspect she may have felt some or all of these emotions. When Christ suffered for the sins of mankind on the cross He felt forsaken. I think this may well have entered Mother Teresa’s mind, along with all those that serve suffering mankind.
It would be easy for one to become proud and puffed up with such celebrity status as she was given. One could easily think highly of oneself with such a reputation. I suspect the Lord gave her a thorn in the flesh that kept her humble all the days she served Him. I also know that working among the desperate and distressed day after day is a difficult task. When we see great suffering it begs the question of why? Am I doing enough? Does it accomplish God’s will? Why is there no end in sight to this suffering? I suspect she may have felt some or all of these emotions. When Christ suffered for the sins of mankind on the cross He felt forsaken. I think this may well have entered Mother Teresa’s mind, along with all those that serve suffering mankind.
If you have not watched the documentary of Mother Teresa, you are missing the opportunity to see the closest thing to Christ in the flesh, you will ever see. In my humble opinion.
I love this picture of her with all the determination of Christ's holy zeal to love and protect.
Picture taken from the Internet
It's so incredible that you would post this today! I was just searching the internet this afternoon looking for the documentary about Mother Theresa that you had mentioned several months ago. And here you are posting about it again. God is so great! :) Do you know what the exact name of it is, and what year the one you're thinking of was produced? I haven't been able to get Mother Theresa and her heart of mercy and compassion out of my head or my heart. There must be a reason.
Hi Fred :)
You can see mother Teresa was a small built frail woman. But her capacity for hard work is unparalleled.
She was considered so highly by the leaders all over the world. She could easily get appointments from the presidents or prime ministers of any country and get her things done.
Your analysis of doubts assailing her is excellent and well thought out. Your explanation is very clear and lucid.
Many thanks.
Have a nice day.
I remember watching this with you, and it is one of the most powerful documentaries I have ever seen. This lady is dear to me and shows how Christ should be living in us all. Powerful!! Mother Theresa was an amazing and humble person God used to further his mission in helping the lives of suffering people and to reach out and share His message of love, hope and faith. I like how she also didn't take cr_p from no one. She was witty and smart and stood her ground. Like this post lots!!
Hi Mel,
That is a coincidence, great minds think alike :)
I emailed you all the information on the video.
This is a movie the whole family can sit and watch, cry and talk about after, and be changed forever. I really think that, it did me.
God bless you Mel,
Hi Joseph,
It is a wonderful thing how God opened doors and had Kings bow before this humble servant of God.
When I first read your blog and then snooped around other blogs from India, I found pictures of her on blogs from all faiths. She reached countless souls and rarely spoke as an evangelist. Her work did the talking.
Bless you Joseph,
Hi Mary,
I had forgotten we wathched that together until you brought it up. I know your heart is so open to the hurting, and you have been comfort to so many.
You are so right about her not backing down, I think she saw God do so many miraculous things that she feared no man. To understate it.
The post from Eric's blog shows the influence of her in his life, make no mistake about it. Godly people influence many.
Love Fred
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