I was listening to Rovi Zacharis on my way home from work and he told a story of a Vietnamese man during the war who was converted and used of God to lead many to Christ. After the war he was put in prison and they sought to brainwash him from his Christian faith. They fed him a continual diet of Marxism, atheism and propaganda and after some length of time he began to doubt and ultimately came to a point where he felt he may have been brainwashed by the missionaries that converted him. He decided from that day on that he would denounce his faith in God. The next morning he was put on latrine duty in prison and while cleaning the disgusting latrines, he saw a scrap of paper covered in excrement. He fished it out and washed it off, put it in his pocket and that night while all his cell-mates were asleep, took out a little flashlight and his eyes fell on Romans 8:28. His heart was smitten with the love of God who left him not even for one day without reaching out to him. The next day he volunteered for latrine duty again, and they said fine. He found another paper, again covered in excrement, which he washed and came to find out that the General, who was an atheist, found a Bible and decided to use its pages for toilet paper each day, which then was fished out and cleaned by Vietnamese man, who retrieved nearly all of the book of Romans and many other parts of the Bible. Needless to say his faith was restored, eventually he was released and escaped Vietnam and ultimately made his way to the U.S.
Painting by Amber Parker
Such a story...! I bet nothing and nobody after that could have convinced him that his faith was false. It seems to me that his trial in the prison was the fire that refined all traces of doubt from his heart. Praise God! Thank you for sharing this, Fred! I'll be sharing it with others. :)
wow...I hope that is true.
Hi Mel,
It was told far better and with a great deal more detail than I included but you are right, this trial of affliction, seven years long, taught him the faithfulness of God, maybe more so than seven years of plenty.
God bless,
Hi Eric,
I hope its true as well, I think it is, Rovi is a pretty reliable source.
Love Dad
Hi Fred :)
This clearly shows God's powerful intervention even in the most testing times. A brain washed man finds God in the most unusual circumstances is a true testimony that God will never forsake a true believer.
Many thanks for sharing this excellent post.
Have a nice day,Fred :)
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