I heard Hayley DiMarco speak on radio last year about this book for young teens. I bought it and recommend it for all parents of young teen girls. Hayley talks to teen girls with tactful frankness about their appearance and how it affects those of the opposite sex. I think her comment "If it ain't on the menu, keep it covered up," gives the flavor of her writing style. Young teens will learn in depth about what triggers arousal and fantasy in males, and enlightens them that what may seem cool or flirty to a 14 year old boy, also triggers responses in the fifty year old man as she sashays past him in the mall. I think it is a must read for all young teens in our culture.
Hi Fred :)
All my sons are grown up and I have no teens.
My sons give me advice on various things :):) :) Sometimes I have a feeling there is a generation gap.
Have a nice day :)
Hi Joseph,
My children are grown as well and I know the feeling of generatin gap all too well. But I have 7 granddaughters, two of which live with me, so this Bold Christian woman takes on this practical topic in an engaging style for teens as well as parents.
Many blessings,
Maybe we should help the girls along and put blind folds on the boys? Hmm?
Unfortunately..I believe it goes deeper than clothing. It's just an apple off the tree .... the root is so much deeper.
We need to teach our sons that girls are not objects too.
Maybe this vicious cycle of men's "natural" tendencies to lust and women's natural desire to feed that lust is just a lie that we all feed into.
It is definitely a FACT....but is it the Truth?
Just a thought from the mind of Ms. Twilight Zone
By the way...put some clothes on the book cover!
Hi Donna,
I'm afraid the imagination of boys would penetrate the blindfolds. But no question, visual stimulation is a huge trigger. You are right, the root is deep, and I feel less qualified to solve this issue than about anthing I know. Human sexuality is so complex in our culture that there is just no way to exaggerate it.
Regarding "put some clothes on that cover", that makes me laugh, I wonder how long they discussed what was the right picture for her cover, not to little, not to much, I think they conveyed the message of the book well with the cover, but I apologize if it offends anyone. It is on the shelves of your local Christian book store, although it may be in a brown wrapper :)
God bless,
Definitely a subject that is hard to cover.(no pun intended)
But what about nations where the women and men are not dressed?
It isn't so much about the visual as it is about the spirit of Lust and the way the society(by the leadings of demonic principalities) feeds it.
Adam and Eve were not clothed in the garden until after sin entered.
Nakedness, or lack of clothes on the body has never been the 'real' issue. We can't fix this one in the flesh for sure, because flesh begets flesh. Putting on more clothes only puts on more clothes. Doesn't really deal with the truth.
In this case, this is where we have to fight in the Spirit too. The principality that rules this sits on throne of the souls of men and women alike.
Doesn't seem realistic, I know. And we still have to give good guidance to our children and their dress but we can't stop there. I guess that's my point.
Thanks for being so open to discussion on such tough topics...you are neato and super cool. :) I just dated myself.
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