I have never read it, maybe because of the word exercises, I'm not naturally drawn to that word. But I have been reading some of it and I ran across a paragraph on evidences of the Holy Spirit or the consolations of God working in the soul. It is a succinct, compact almost legal presentation, but I have read it over many times and although presented in a rather formal manner, I think it sums up the subject rather well.
"Third Rule of spiritual consolation. I call it consolation when there is excited in the soul some interior movement by which it begins to be inflamed with love of its Creator and Lord, and when, consequently, it cannot love any created thing on the face of the earth in itself, but only in the Creator of all.
Likewise when it pours forth tears, moving it to the Love of its Lord, whether it be from sorrow for its sins or for the Passion of Christ our Lord, or for other things expressly directed to His service and praise.
In short, I call by the name of consolation every increase of hope, faith and charity, and all interior joy which calls and attracts the soul to heavenly things, and to its own salvation, rendering it quiet and at peace in its Creator and Lord."
The one verse that I don't completely understand is - "and when, consequently, it cannot love any created thing on the face of the earth in itself, but only in the Creator of all."
What's your take on it?
Photo by Renata Aska
The first thing that came to mind was this scripture, For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
So we actually see everything through Him and love nothing apart or removed from our love for Him.
That's a good scripture and it fits, but do you think that means everyone or just believers? Is it a declarative statement meaning all we see whether we realize it or not, or does it imply that when we are living in Christ that we through the eyes of faith attach our love to those things because we see Him in it? I know when I see through the eyes of faith, even the unlovely becomes lovely, but when in a carnal mind-set, I see little of God's beauty. Or is it something altogether different? Beats me.
Hi Fred :)
Very interesting post and an equally interesting question.
Dust thou art and to dust thou shall return. When we came in this world we had nothing and when we go from this world we can take nothing. Only our indestructible soul will be there to rejoice with the Lord, our Creator. Our existence in this world is to love all human beings including our family and friends and equally our enemies and sing praises to God so that we will find favour in HIS Eyes and may be allowed to participate in His banquet.
This is my explanation and it may not satisfy you. But then, that is what I understand.
Have a good day :)
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