“Many a man conscientiously goes up to the weekly pulpit-feeding, through storm and sickness, as a matter of duty, who never thinks of doing a work of Christian mercy, or engaging in any kind of ministry during the week…….
Now the Christian world knows its duty well enough. It has no need of half the teaching it gets. It is always feeding beyond the necessities, and, as I honestly believe, to its own damage. Let it ask itself which would please its Master best –
Teaching some ignorant child the way of life, or going to hear a great sermon – visiting and consoling some poor mourner, or going to a prayer meeting – stirring up some weak soul to duty, or seeking for an hour of emotional excitement – going to meeting always, or laboring occasionally for the reclamation of some sad wanderer from the path of virtue?
Now the Christian world knows its duty well enough. It has no need of half the teaching it gets. It is always feeding beyond the necessities, and, as I honestly believe, to its own damage. Let it ask itself which would please its Master best –
Teaching some ignorant child the way of life, or going to hear a great sermon – visiting and consoling some poor mourner, or going to a prayer meeting – stirring up some weak soul to duty, or seeking for an hour of emotional excitement – going to meeting always, or laboring occasionally for the reclamation of some sad wanderer from the path of virtue?
Timothy Titcomb - photo by Taci Yuksel
Beautiful picture, beautiful message! Blogging has become bittersweet of late, hasn't it? You're in my thoughts and prayers and heart, and so is "anonymous."
I can't wait until Christ returns... Being human is just so stinkin' complicated.
“Many a man conscientiously goes up to the weekly pulpit-feeding, through storm and sickness, as a matter of duty..."
(Let us go with a heart felt genuine desire to worship and praise the lover of our souls--Oh Lord let it never be out of a sense of duty)
"Now the Christian world knows its duty well enough." (Perhaps they did back when this was written, but I fear they have little understanding of their duty today. What is our duty? Great topic for discussion.)
"It has no need of half the teaching it gets." (Again, perhaps when this was written that were true, however, not so today. One of the main reasons "the church" of today is impotent is partly due to lack of sound teaching and partly due to no desire to learn)
"It is always feeding beyond the necessities, and, as I honestly believe, to its own damage." (Now this is true today. More spend their time trying to understand Calvin's Institutes than they do in understanding what Christ accomplished on the Cross)
"Let it ask itself which would please its Master best –
Teaching some ignorant child the way of life, or going to hear a great sermon" (yes, the man centered, self-centered motivation for "religon". As prevalent today, as it as always been)
"...visiting and consoling some poor mourner, or going to a prayer meeting – stirring up some weak soul to duty, or seeking for an hour of emotional excitement – going to meeting always, or laboring occasionally for the reclamation of some sad wanderer from the path of virtue?"
(Beautiful truths--it's always about motivation, isn't it. Why do I believe? Why do I follow Christ? For what ultimate purpose? Is it me, me, me,)
Go gentle on me now. I'm just expressing thoughts. Thanks for the thought proviking post. :-)
"Go gentle on me", that makes me chuckle. I agree with you in nearly every point, although when it is all laid out like that it isn't pretty is it.
But the reason I picked this picture, which I adore, is because it made me think this mother, or friend? saw a beautiful evening falling and knew it was the perfect moment to serve the Lord by going on a walk with the child she was mentoring/nurturing.
Christianity is a beautiful thing in its simplicity.
Like you said Mel, being human is just so stink'in complicated.
"Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love".
I'm glad I made you chuckle. That was my intent. I love the picture as well, with one acception. Replace the cat with a dog and it would be perfect!
Hi Fred :)
This post provides a profound message for all Christians.
However, In some parts of India, Christians are lynched, murdered, attacked,nuns are raped, Christian churches and prayer halls are vandalised for spreading the message of Christ. Some States have even introduced anti conversion laws.
Christians all over the world should protest against these attrocities perpetrated on them, and pray hard for the great work done by the missionaries in India to succeed.
Have a good day :)
Hi Joseph,
Thank you for reminding us of our duty. It is sad but true that Christians in many parts of the world are persecuted for their faith. In spite of this persecution, brave Christians continue to put themselves in harms way to proclaim Christ and serve humanity. May we never forget.
God bless,
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