He gives ten principles in his answer, which are lengthy, but he gives one illustration that caught my attention.
"Tenthly and lastly, Such will mourn for wicked men's sins as well as their own. Oh the tears, the sighs, the groans, that other's sins fetch from these men's hearts! Pambus, in the ecclesiastical history, wept when he saw a harlot dressed with much care and cost, partly to see one take so much pains to go to hell, and partly because he had not been so careful to please God, as she had been to please a wanton lover." Jer. 9:2 2nd Peter 2:7-9
I don't mean to insinuate that the girl in the picture is a harlot, but merely one who has taken far more care and cost in dressing than I most likely have spent in pleasing God today.
Photo by James Pan
These writings from Puritan authors of centuries gone by entice my spiritual tastebuds and awaken my appetite to go deeper, to swim further, to reach higher, and to cry out to God that He might increase my capacity to love Him, to appreciate His worth, and to know the riches of His attributes more every day.
I agree, I think I will post an introduction to the Puritans I just read in a book called "Worldly Saints", The Puritans As They Really Were.
I think it will give a taste of their thoughts that will wet any Christian's appetite.
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