I heard a story on the radio the other day about teamwork. The story was about an intern working along with a surgeon in the E.R. The surgeon noticed that the intern failed to greet and did not acknowledge the janitor that cleans between each patient. Later he told the intern that the janitor’s name was Carlos and that he is the most efficient, swift and thorough cleaner he has worked with. And he said because he is conscientious about his work, he enables us to help more people. He went on to say that Carlos lived only three blocks away and is married to Marie and then named his two children. He then told the intern that by the end of the next day, he wanted the intern to tell him something about Carlos that he did not know.
This is the kind of man I would like to work for.
This is the kind of man I would like to work for.
Photo by Salih Guler
Kind of like the concept that we tell our girls when they're dating... If he's nice to you, but not to the waitress, he's not really a nice person at all.
Yes, good application.
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